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FUN DIVING. Dive spots around Gili Islands

We will provide you with fully certified and locally experienced Dive Masters, Assistant Instructors or Dive Control Specialists to guide you, take you to the best spots and point out those creatures that are a little harder to find.

We keep the groups small – no more than 4 divers to a guide so that you can get the best chance of seeing things without other people getting in the way or scaring things back into their holes and shells.

The price for fun dive is IDR 399 000.
Buddha Dive, Gili Trawangan, diving courses, fun diving, shark
Shark Point


Dive Type

Slope, Wall, and Gullies



Certification / Experience

All Levels, Some experience preferred


Black Tip and White Tip Sharks, Sting Rays, Schools of Jacks and Snapper, Cuttlefish, Barracuda, Turtles, Bump head Parrot Fish. Pygmy Sea Horses

A very varied site. For beginners, the 12 – 18 metre level has Green and Hawksbill turtles, colourful reef fish, lion fish and scorpion fish.  As the site drops deeper, it reaches a sandy bottom with a series of progressively deeper canyons from 18m to 27m where black and white tip sharks, stingrays and schools of jacks and snapper hang out. Around full moon we often see schools of bump head parrotfish too. Currents at Shark Point can be unpredictable and so particularly for the deeper sections, you will be more comfortable if you already have some experience with currents.

diving courses, fun diving, cuttlefish
Halik reef


Dive Type

Steep Slope



Certification / Experience

All Levels

Moray Eels, Black and White Tip Sharks, Turtles, Cuttlefish, Lion Fish, Bat Fish, Mantis Shrimp, Snapper, Barracuda


The shallows are full of coral bommies and colourful reef fish. The shallows turn into a steep slope descending to 30+ metres. Spend some time looking into the nooks and crannies between the coral and find all the little creatures hiding there. Different depths along the slope offer a variety of things to see, making it a great multi level dive. The deep ridges provide entertaiment for adventurous divers, the shallows are great safe place to do your very first dive or refresh diving skills.

Buddha Dive, Gili Trawangan, diving courses, fun diving, ray
Deep Turbo


Dive Type



26 - 32m

Certification Experience


Currents can be strong so some experience is required

Black and White Tip Sharks, Leopard Sharks, Eagle and Sting Rays, Bump head Parrot Fish, Moray Eels, Pygmy Sea Horses, Napoleon Wrasse, Trevally.

A deep dive dropping straight down to 26m with a series of canyons and beautiful coral. Sharks hang out on the sandy areas within the canyons. Swim round a bend and find Leopard Sharks sitting on the bottom. Strong currents can make this a dive more suited to experienced divers. 

diving courses, fun diving, frog fish
Meno Wall


Dive Type

Wall Dive 


17 – 18m

Certification / Experience

All Levels

Scorpion Fish, Lion Fish, Turtles, Eagle Rays, Mantis Shrimp, Moray Eels, Gorgonian Fans.

A wall in 2 sections. The first to around 12m deep, followed by a short sandy slope and a second wall down to 18 metres. The bottom of the wall turns into a slope with several bommies. In the shallows at the end of the second wall, we often see a bay eagle ray circling. A great night dive too!

diving courses, fun diving, wreck



Dive Type

Wreck Dive


Wreck at 8-15m + bommies to 22m

Certification / Experience

All levels

Batfish School, Frog Fish, Eagle Ray, Scorpio Fish, Sweet Lips, Mantis Shrimp, Octopus

West of Gili Meno, a pontoon sunk in the early 1990’s. Coral has now covered the wreck, and fish moved in to all the nooks and crannies. Beautiful table corals hide illusive frog fish, and a school of Bat fish hover in the corner. A great introduction to wreck diving with usually gentle current, and shallow enough for Open Water divers. For those certified to go below 18m, there are a series of beautiful bommies and corals at 20 – 22m with schools of colourful reef fish, & moray.

Buddha Dive, Gili Trawangan, diving courses, fun diving, manta
Manta Point


Dive Type

Gently Sloping Coral Garden


12 – 25m

Certification / Experience

All Levels

Stag horn Corals, Soft Corals, Barrel Sponges, Turtles, Sea Snakes, Black and White Tip Sharks, Cuttlefish, Manta and Devil Rays

Usually very little current, so excellent for all levels of experience. Down to 18m is a great site for turtles and sea snakes, Black and White tip sharks are often found in the deeper sections at 25m. In season, don’t forget to look up for the Mantas and Devil Rays.

diving courses, fun diving, sea horse
Simon's Reef


Dive Type




Certification /



Bump Head Parrot Fish, Napoleon Wrasse, White and Black Tip Sharks, Gorgonian Fans, Pygmy Sea Horses

An impressive pinnacle rising off a sandy bottom, from a depth of 30m on one side and 45 on the other. Beautiful unspoilt coral cover, and crevices to swim along. Ripping currents here attract plenty of big fish like the Bump Heads and Napoleon Wrasse  

diving courses, fun diving, parrot fish
Secret Reef


Dive Type

Series of deep ridges



Certification / Experience


Pygmy Sea Horses, Gorgonian Fans, Black and White Tip Sharks, Bump Head Parrot Fish

Ridges going from 18m to 45+m, covered in Gorgonian Fans and beautiful topography. Deep and unspoiled, and only for advanced and experienced divers. Amaizing drift dive along the wall of the canion. Don't miss the big concrete M-letter, laying on the ridge.

diving courses, fun diving, moray eel
Haan's reef


Dive Type



8 – 22m

Certification / Experience

All levels

diving courses, fun diving, crocodile fish


Dive Type

Slope and Artificial Reef Shore dive


5 – 22m

Certification / Experience

All levels

Lion Fish, Moray and Ribbon Eels, Frogfish, Porcelain Crabs, Scorpion Fish, Trigger Fish

Drop in to a shallow sandy area and follow a chain of bommies towards the main “brainiac” pinnacle. Spot the scorpion fish, lion fish and shrimps around the pinnacle, and don’t forget to look up at the cloud of colourful reef fish above you. A couple of circuits of the Brainiac and those certified may head deeper to some more Bommies and across a sandy stretch looking for spotted sting rays and fields of garden eels before finishing in the shallows hopefully with some turtles. Usually very little current, this site is ideal for all levels.

Lion fish, Feather Stars, Octopi, Puffers, Crocodile Fish, Turtles, Moray Eels, Razor Fish

Named after the steel structures placed along the slope to deter beach erosion and to encourage coral regeneration, these structures come in the shape of marine creatures such as Turtles, Dolphins and Mantas. A small electrical current passes through the steel, drawing calcium carbonate towards the corals that have been transplanted to the structures, allowing them to grow faster than normal. The site is a fascinating look at reef restoration in progress, and used by many juvenile fish as a safe haven from predators. This site also makes a fantastic night dive.

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Gili Trawangan, Lombok, Indonesia    buddhadive@gmail.com    Tel/WhatsApp: +62-813-39063131

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